Book: Fire Ice by Clive Cussler and Paul Kemprecos

New book title: , Select Author: , Select co-Author:

Publisher: Penguin - Michael Joseph, Select Publisher: , Genre: Action/Adventure, Select Genre:

Year published: 2002, New year published:

Status: ReadSelect Status:, Year read: 2023, New Year read:

Main character: Kurt Austen, new Main Character select:

Summary: A hard line traditionalist is plotting to seize power in Russia and are using underwater technology too further their cause

New Summary:

Detail: With a glimpse into Russian history to set the scene and a heroic rescue of an American TV crew by Kurt, Kurt and his NUMA team find a secret submarine base and rescue the crew of a US sub. This leads to the finding of a shipwreck from the early 1900s, and a plot by a fanatical Russian to dominate the world.

New Detail:

The best bits: Kurt defeating the Cossacks

New best bits:

The worst: Generally a bit on the slow side, compared to some of Clive Cusslers books.

New worst: